Friday, August 12, 2005

The Non-Exploitation Of Women

I love those that decry the evils of the exploitation of women for no other reason than to view their stupidity. You see, those that seek to stop the rampant exploitation of women typically tend to be ugly and/or lesbian women, because any woman that is not ugly or a lesbian almost earns to be exploited at some time, and here's my tale to illustrate this...

As I was returning to work from my lunch break a local team of some sort was having a car wash. To advertise this car wash they had a couple of girls in bikini's on the corner of a fairly busy intersection and one that I was using at the time. Now these girls weren't ugly but they definately were not in the eye-popping, accident causing class of hot chicks that you may sometimes encounter. So as luck would have it I hit the red light and end up stopped right besides the of course they begin to try and coax me into their car wash and even though my excuse was legit in that I needed to return back to work, they refused to believe that I would want to pass up their car wash...they even made a point to tell me that the car wash was all college girls that would be doing the work...

You see, the actual car wash - to them and probably everyone else in the world with a clue - is actually non-essential. Your car may not even be clean after they finished 'washing' it, but that is not the point...they want you to park your vehicle and watch them 'wash' your car and figure that must be worth $5 or whatever the going rate is... They actually think the 'value' of their car wash is not the car wash itself, but who is doing the washing...

And let me make this clear...I'm an avid supporter in the exploitation of women, especially when the women are willing participants in the exploitation... now granted if the girls were all well-endowed and were wearing white t-shirts and had more of a water fight than a car wash, I may have had a few minutes to spare...but I digress...I'm just tired of hearing anyone trying to explain to me how it is demeaning to women, when in fact most women are promoters of the activity themselves even at the most basic, innocent levels.

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