Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Saturday Night Live

Something I should start doing, just for my own amusement, would be to review SNL...and I just might start doing that...for you see, since I was young, I have watched Saturday Night Live and have formed an 'instant opinion' of each show...some good, some bad. Having said that, I did watch the Sunday night special regarding Saturday Night Live in the 90's. The special itself wasn't too bad, but I really didn't care for the shortening of the skits...and not that they were shortened but that they were too short. If they wanted to show an abbreviated sketch, that's fine...but to show just a quick snippet only has the viewer wanting to see more. The show itself was interviews with people that would reminiscence about each season of SNL in the 90's and was essentially a 'look at how great SNL is' type show. Which leads me to my primary theory, that SNL of late is crappy. But as this show pointed out, in 1994-95 SNL had some of its lowest ratings ever and you look at the cast and it had Adam Sandler, David Spade, Cris Farley, Phil Hartmen, Mike Myers, Dana Carvey and Cris Rock. An overt move to guilt people into turning SNL back on because you don't want to miss any potential star developing on SNL. Watching SNL lately, there might be one or 2 funny sketches in the entire show with the rest being lame. And after watching this retrospective one of my initial impressions was that this was a clear attempt to try and bolster SNL ratings for next season because I find it hard to believe that people were entertained watching this past season of SNL.

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