Thursday, May 17, 2007

Landis Trial Day 3

Yesterday's Landis arbitration hearing wrapped up testimony from the French lab worker who tested Landis' sample. From the news reports, it seems to me, that this lab worker, Cynthia Mongongu, is holding some animosity towards Landis...taping a 'do not cross' line in the lab for the observers. And not sure how the arbitrators will take it, but Mongongu apparently needed a more detailed chart to determine if the tests were truly accurate. Now is it just me...but if this process has to be infinitely detailed to determine certain accuracy, then how can the test be relied upon at all? Saying that, then, if this is the approved process to determine guilt or not...then Landis is screwed because trying to detail inaccuracies and incompetence as a reason for innocence is just the O.J. Simpson way to try and get away with murder.

Today Greg LeMond is taking the stand and apparently not only is he going to testify against Landis but also Lance Armstrong. This move seems like such an overt attempt by the USADA to not only get Landis, but (as Landis has already laid his foundation for his defense) also cast some speculation on Lance Armstrong potentially doping.

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