Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Music Everyone Loves, But I Hate

So perusing the blog world everyone has a list...favorite movies, tv shows, music, foods, games, etc.... and me, the conformist that I am, decided what type of list can I come up with? Well, it didn't take that long to think of because one of my 'pleasures' in life is music. I especially enjoy going to live shows of bands that I enjoy and I am fortunate enough to have a job that also permits me to see many acts that I wouldn't pay to see... so let's get into no particular order:

Music I hate that everyone else seems to love:

1. Top-40 Stars (ie: Britany Spears, Ashlee Simpson, American Idol Stars, Backstreet Boys, etc.): Do I even need to elaborate? I'm no longer 12, nor am I a music that these entities generate is garbage. To futher testify how crappy this crap is, most of these top 40 stars have one, maybe two albums and that is their 'career'. To me, because you can sell a million records (which isn't even a challenge anymore) of crap to idiots that watch MTV doesn't make the music any better.

2. U2 - Honostly, I use to like U2 before they became stars. War was a decent album but that's about it. They became political then commercial and now a little of both...but many a band can do that and still be 'good'. But not for me... their music really never grabbed me...sure a song or two I can tolerate, but as a whole I do not U2.

3. The Dave Matthews Band. Now here is a band that I can whole-heartedly dislike on several levels. First let's review the obvious...every song is the same...or at the least similair. Oh sure, every band has a 'sound' but the Dave Matthews Band, I think, has one song and it is just played over and over. Next, if there was ever a band that has 'sold out' it is the Dave Matthews Band...and this, probably for more reason than any other, is why I dislike them so much. You see you have people that 'follow' the band and their is this false perception that the Dave Matthews Band stands for individuality but the Dave Matthews Band is all about commercialism. They literally will sell any and everything to any corporate sponsor that they can. They have such prominent displays of commercialism, yet many of their fans don't seem to see that or just ignore the blatent displays - and again, have this perception of an 'independent' type band...which they clearly are not.

4. R.E.M. I did not like REM from day 1. And with the exception of "It's The End Of The World", every other song I can not tolerate. I have not liked REM ever and doubt I will anytime soon. I can go on and list all the things I don't like about Micheal Stipe but that is just detailing the obvious.

5. The Red Hot Chili Peppers. Those that know me know, know that I like 'heavy' type music...but not exclusively. They then think how can the Red Hot Chili Peppers be on my hate list? It's easy...they suck. Again, they are a band that to me, most of their songs are very similiar...and just not likeable. The RHP are easily my 'most switched off the radio when the come on' band...partly because the stations I listen too feel that the Peppers fit into that genre.

6. All 'modern' country music. Yes, I hate ALL country music that has been put out in the last (oh lets say) 20-25 years. Oh there may be an exception or two, but I can't think of what that might be. Reasoning: first, all the 'popular' country music songs today are 90% of the time cover tunes of old rock and roll songs. I think that merely taking a rock and roll tune and 'countryfying' isn't a basis for an entire genre of music to make it's 'foundation' upon. Then you have the 'fans' see not to cast a blanket generalization, but I will... country (and I always like to pronounce it cuntry when mocking it) music fans are about as bright as a bag of hammers. Drunk hicks or drunk hick wannabees is the cuntry music fan of today and for some reason I just don't like to associate with folks that are proud that they are idiots.

And that about rounds it out... I really can't think of any other band/artist that really annoys me enough to not want to hear it... at least not at this time...but I am sure there are plenty of young, up and coming artists that are just dying to get on my hate I'll keep listening for them!

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