Wednesday, May 04, 2005

American Idol's Unraveling

Of course those that frequent my blog, recall my February rant as to why American Idol sucks. I concluded that entry with my anticipation for idol stars to be arrested as the show would begin to unravel and the 'stars' of the show would slowly descend back to obscurity...

Well, it looks as if a former contestant is coming forward with some allegations that will be revealed on ABC's Primetime Live edition that aren't too flattering for the show. Although I still contend that the entire show is totally produced and rehearsed with the outcome predetermined, this might be the beginning of the end of this annoying television entity.

Will I watch the ABC Primetime Live expose on American Idol? Of course not. I will continue to hate it from afar and the less I know about American Idol, the better I feel. I just want to hear about the things that confirm my theories about the show... that is is choreographed crap...but I really don't need too much confirmation of that.

I do think that this is just the beginning and that the flood of negative press revealing the 'dark side' of the show will eventually come...

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