Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Knee-Jerk Laws

Something that really gets my ire up these days is both the federal and state legislatures passing a law because of a knee-jerk reaction. The states of Minnesota and North Dakota are both doing such...they are outlawing the consumption of alcohol for individuals that turn 21 until 8 (or 9 AM) of their 21st birthday. Why? Because apparently some kids these day have what they call 'power hour' which is going out to a bar at midnight of your 21st birthday and trying to consume 21 shots in that hour. Last year some 21 year-old died from attempting this feat and now both states are passing laws to try and prevent this from happening again...

Ok, where do I start?

First off, if you are DUMB enough to want to try and do a 'power hour', I think you deserve whatever might come your way...and if the extreme consequence is death, you really should have known better. Of course you'll have the people that will point to peer pressure and other factors, but let's be honost here, if you are even thinking of undertaking this 'power hour' you've consumed some alcohol before and know the consequences of over-consumption.

Next, doesn't our state congresses have anything better to do with their time than 'babysitting'? One incident where one moron died from doing something extremely stupid. With that type of logic being used in our state governing bodies the laws that come from these bodies should continue the trend of absurdity.

And when all is said and done, this is probably just another law that after a while will just be forgotten and overlooked by any that should be enforcing it...and what is the punishment and who receives it? Either way, it is just a waste of our time and tax dollars...

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