Monday, May 09, 2005

Barry Bonds Biggest Phony Ever?

The whole Barry Bonds situation is becoming a bigger and bigger farce every day. Apparently now, Barry does not communicate with his team (San Francisco Giants), their trainers, managers, coaches, players, etc. Showing just how much he cares about the 'team' he is on.

I personally hope that he never takes another pitch. I wish Selig would grow some testicles and asterisk all of his the very least. Bonds' records, in my opinion, should be removed from the pages. He has disgraced the sport and now is making a mockery of the whole situation by 'being hurt and unable to play'...when we all know that without his precious roids he will descend to normality and most certainly be done with a plethera of excuses that are all being set up by his current condition, and not to mention the 'media scrutiny' that Bonds continues blame as well as it being 'racially motivated'.

The true single season home run king is still Roger Maris and his 61 homers.

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