Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Losers Rejoice

So the day is soon here, and in fact it has already came for some...that is the final installment of George Lucas' Star Wars saga, Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. I'm already on record as saying that this movie will be like the previous 2 and 1/2 movies in the saga and continue the road of disappointment.

It is also becoming evident that the media, critics and fans of the movie are willing to accept and throw accolades on this final installment for the sheer fact that it is the final installment. Surfing the various movie sites that have initial reviews of the movie I am finding two distinct trends... first, critics seem to be glowing over it...which isn't surprising since most critics are often 'bought and paid for' by the studio themselves and I would think with the the Star Wars credibility on the line, Lucas took ever precaution to make sure as many critics were bought and paid for prior to the release to insure stellar reviews. The other is reading the reviews from people and it is quite clear that like Episode I and II, if you are a Star Wars geek you will love the movie if it was nothing but 2 hours of static because you have been told, brainwashed and manipulated to accept anything that is branded with Star Wars as being 'awesome.' But reading reviews from folks that I align myself with...that is, I really liked the original trilogy (sans Ewoks) and have been nothing but disappointed in Episode I and II (and especially Episode I which has totally soured me on this second trilogy)... they say that the movie continues a trend that makes it anything special. Lucas seems to (not so cleverly) plant several political/philosophical comments throughout the movie (ie: anti-war and smoking lines). Apparently the movie is filled with light-saber duels that will please many of the Star Wars geeks, but the overall film walks through the motions that we've all wanted to see... Anakin becoming Darth.

Sure, if the film is still playing in a theatre in a month or so and I have nothing better to do, I may go check it out...otherwise I'll just wait to rent it on DVD. But if the initial feedback that I am reading about this film hold true, it is as I predicted...the Star Wars geeks (again) will gush over it, only because they would do so anyways...but otherwise it is another so-so movie in what was once a great story now becoming bland and a platform for Lucas to discern his personal agenda in.

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