Friday, May 27, 2005

High School - Ah The Memories...Yeah Right

One of the things that my job has 'drawn' me into, is working high school graduations... I will be doing the live video production for the 2 largest high schools in my town. In preparation for this, and especially hearing the student speakers during rehearsal, the song selection's, etc., has me thinking how the high school years could be some people's 'Best Time Of Their Life' and how many adults and students preach that it is indeed such.

I remember going through high school and not at any moment did I even HOPE that these would be the best time of my life. And now, 17 years later I look back and am glad that my high school years and experience were clearly not the 'Best Time Of My Life'. High school, sure, it's the last of your 'innocence' and you want to no longer be considered niave...but let's be honost you will be that way until you've developed career skills...regardless of what that career might be.

I would even say that my entire life up until I was about 25, was not the best time of my life... would I love to turn back the hands of time and return to being a child or know it, but of course packing the knowledge I now have. But for me, I thought the best time of my life was the span of time from about the age of 23 thru 27. I was single, done with college and having a great time. Not that my current status of being older and married with children is all that horrible...but at no other time in my life did I have the freedom I did during that time span and I took advantage of that and had a great time!

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