Thursday, May 19, 2005

Good Times

Have you ever had spells in your life where things seem to be really good... well, I am currently in such a period.

I recently got a bonus from my work place, the first time that this has happened for any job that I had held...unfortunately some city commissioners don't feel that incentive bonus' are worth budgeting for, so it will be the last such bonus I receive while working here, for some reason they never thought they would have to pay the bonus and now that they are they no longer want too...but for now it is nice!

Now, we expanded my department and a new hire will begin on Monday...why is this big news? It's because for a year I have shared an office with another person while a perfectly good (and big!) office was left vacant from past reshuffling and job vacancies. I was next in line (tenure and position wise) that should have been given my own office but because of indecision and 'office politics' I was not authorized to move...that is until now. The hiring of a new person forced the decision and the end result was I am finally moved into my own office. Although today is my first day of residency in my new work space, I can already say that I am confident I will enjoy it. It is considerably larger than my previous work fact the total area I shared with another co-worker is smaller than the total area I now reside in...

Coming from a blue-collar family, I have worked hard at any job I have ever had, and have had about every crappy job a person could have. I have never asked much (in my opinion) from any of my employers and have been taken advantage of more than once by more than one boss/supervisor. So at this stage in my life, I feel like I'm getting some of the things that I deserve at a job that I enjoy and do well at. I'm a simple guy that enjoys simple pleasures...and right now I am enjoying the simple pleasures.

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