Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Endorsement: Ron Paul

Something I've been meaning to do for a few weeks now...that is endorsing Ron Paul for president. He is a Republican presidential candidate but is actually a Libertarian running under the GOP banner for the exposure.

Anyone that is for a smaller government, less infringing government, a government that more represents what our founding fathers envisioned, Ron Paul is the man. He often is quoting Jefferson, Franklin and other founding fathers and adopted their point of views...which to me, is all just common sense. He's anti-IRS, anti-war (only Republican to vote against the war from the outset), anti-Federal Reserve and basically, anti-government. Truly a total opposite of almost every other politician running for president in 2008 regardless of their party affiliation.

Visit Ron Paul's web site for more info on him and here is a quick YouTube video to give you some short clips and talking points of Ron Paul...


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