Thursday, June 21, 2007

Coke And A Smile

My entire life I have been a Coca-Cola drinker, and for this post it really doesn't matter what soda a person drinks because I think the observation is applicable for all sodas...

But what is the deal these days? You walk into a convenience store to buy a refreshing soda and I head right to the Coke section to see that I have a choice of how much soda I want to purchase with about 20 cents difference... I can buy a couple 20 oz sodas for $2.22 or I can buy a couple of liters for $2.50. Now I am not a cheapskate by any means, I piss money away all the time on frivolous items...but why does Coke present me with this dilemma? You see, purchasing the 20 oz soda means I will the the 'typical' size of soda that will fit in cup holders and I would likely finish drinking the entire soda within a half an hour. But spending the extra 20 cents to purchase the 1 liters means I would be getting almost 33% more soda but the downside is that the 1 liter bottles do not fit in the typical cup holder, you are 'lugging' around this big bottle everywhere and there is no way I could drink a liter of Coke within a half hour under normal conditions, so am often 'stuck' with this soda for an hour or more and obviously will be getting warm during this time.

Gone are the good 'ole days when your only option was a 12 oz can for 50 cents....which is all I ever really want. Sure I could buy a fountain soda, which is sometimes the case, but sometimes portability is a factor and to be able to seal up the bottle for transporting is often the determining factor. So now I spend $2.50 and get more Coca-Cola than even I want.

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