After a mostly mild winter, February started off pretty cold with 2+ weeks of sub-zero temperatures. Last week we got our first real snow system - not a storm, a system - it dropped a good 4-6 inches of snow in a 24 hour period. And because of the mild winter this year and in the recent past, the region is at defcon 5 for another snow storm to hit the area. Like last week the national weather association has already issued a severe winter storm warning, yet looking out my window I see what appears to be a very pleasant, late winter morning. It will probably snow a little and it is always windy, but whether or not we have a SEVERE winter storm yet is still to be determined.
I mention the economy in yesterday's post and the stock market takes a huge dive. Everyone is on pins and needles to see if it is time to bail on the NYSE or hold tight. My current financial situation is recession proof...poverty. But if all goes well, I will soon be all but out of debt (house & car payments only). I can hardly wait!
Prince Charles doesn't like McDonald's. Banning McDonald's, the world is out of control and all because of America, the land of the free. Watching American citizens occupy their time and concerns with frivolous items such as seat belts, smoking, the word 'God', etc. has others thinking that the best solution to any problem, real or perceived, is to just ban it. A policy courtesy the land of the free where you are free to do anything you want as long as it isn't against the law and odds are it is and if it isn't it will be soon.
Michael Jackson may become a Vegas act. A child molester in sin city...makes sense.
Just over a month ago it was reported that Castro may be on death's door. Now Castro feels "...energetic, stronger". He can not die.
It took long enough but some advocacy group came out to say that Al Gore's mansion consumes too much electricity and goes against the very environmental policy Al Gore is promoting with his movie Inconvenient Truth. I was really surprised that it took this long for someone to come forward on this. Celebrities, which Al Gore certainly qualifies as, become environmentalists because it makes them feel good. But they all drive Hummers, take limos, have SUV's and multiple, large residences - all of which consume electricity and fossil fuels...but it makes them feel good that they are telling you, the common folk, to stop wasting our natural resources.
The NYC rat story at the KFC/Taco Bell restaurant gets even better. A health inspector was at the restaurant the day before the video was taken! The health inspector noted the infestation of not only rats but insects as well, but did not order the restaurant closed. So there you go New Yorkers, you know the 'standards' your restaurants need to uphold to remain open for business. What makes the story even better is that the inspector wasn't fired after this incident, just reassigned. So that obviously means that they were doing their job as ordered. Apparently New Yorkers don't mind rats, good for them.
Another roid bust happened but few names outed so far. Of course the only name leaked is Gary Matthews Jr. as a potential user, and on one of my fantasy baseball teams....great.
Evander Holyfield is making a comeback saying he is still pursuing destiny. Evander was a very solid fighter and I hope his intentions are sincere and unless he somehow pissed away tens of millions of dollars, I would think that he does fully intend to be competitive in the ring. Good luck Evander.
Something I haven't mentioned in Charger news last week was that LaDainian Tomlinson's father and brother died in an auto accident last week. A truly sad time for LaDainian.
Hey, I don't watch any of the top rated shows of last week! Huge hit shows all over the network dial, American Idol, the Academy Awards, Grey's Anatomy, CSI, Law & Order and more... I watched none of them and will continue to do so. That makes me smartest.
Chinese kids aren't getting addicted to pot, coke or heroin but to computer games and it is killing them. What kind of crazy world would we live in if computers become our greatest evil? Stay tuned.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Banning Big Macs, Gore Polluting, More Steroids
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Life As A Manager
I have been employed in the 'real world' for most of my life, going on 20 years plus now and yet how the jobs and coworkers may have changed, many things have stayed the same. One such constant is that many a manager and/or sales person that holds a position of some power is a total moron and every day you wonder how they even function as a human being let alone somehow gained this occupational power. Today I muttered that exact same question several times as I was assigned a task to do for them. What better way to illustrate the efficiency of a manager then to recount today's assignment...
I arrive to work to see an email from said manager, it states: "Please create a disc with pictures from events t, u, v, w, x, y and z (names not needed). Once complete call M at the following phone number. This all needs to be done by this afternoon." Task seems simple enough, right? Well, my first replay back via email is to say that we do not have pictures from events v, w, x and y and the pictures from z are 5 years old - but that is the first trait of a 'powerful' manager, they have no clue what actually goes on at their work place. Do not worry manager says, here are discs with the pictures I would like included, handing me 2 discs. The manager displaying disdain for any negativity about this simple task swoops in to save the project - at least that is what they think - but at the same time the manager isn't even aware of what they are saying or doing because they haven't had to do any actual work in some time. The discs are DVD's and contain no pictures. After finally getting the proper pictures sent to me from said manager and then burning the disc, my last obstacle is to merely call the guy and have him pick up the disc. But no, the contact number given to me has been disconnected. Absolutely NOTHING, was correct or even close in the original assignment email from the manager.
Other than burning the cd itself, which you would think any moron can do these days, I had no involvement nor needed any involvement in this task at all. Instead, because a manager I work with is too lazy and has the power to just pawn off even the most menial task to anyone they desire, I basically have to inquire every 30 minutes as what to do next because any information given to me for this task is not accurate or is not applicable...but if done by the original contact person should have taken all of 10 minutes and 1 person to completely do the task.
Sefish Kids, Mind Control
Economy in the news this morning... one story is about how the American and Chinese stock markets may be beginning a 'correction', or a crash as it is known to by you and I. And another story on how consumer confidence is still high. So either the American economy is about to implode on itself or it is going as strong as ever...pending which story you want to read last.
An interesting story about today's kids being more self-centered than ever. I'm guessing if you are in my age range (35-45), you are like me and not disagreeing. It was fairly recently when I detailed how the college kids these days will do the minimum required work to get by. And now it is becoming more noticed. Kids these days get everything handed to them, nothing is ever their fault and they can do no wrong. Why would they turn out to be self-centered, all about me type persons?
First there was cloning and now there is animal control. Chinese scientists have implanted electrodes in a pigeon and can control it's flight. Soon we will all have a chip implanted so that the government can control us. Things will be better then.
Apple's latest, greatest gadget, Apple TV, is being delayed. It will allow people to take their digital content and stream it on the internet. There is no mention as to what any of the possible delays may be, but I'm guessing it is because Apple is developing some pay-to-use interface to use their $300 device.
Claims that the remains of Jesus and his family have been made. Of course extraordinary claims are often made and then later to be found false. I'm thinking the same may happen here...and if not, will really set the religious folks a reeling. Definitive proof that Jesus did not rise to heaven, got married and had a family? Sure is a different ending then I've heard so much about in the Bible.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Rats, Fantasy Sports Slump
I've been a busy beaver lately and will remain fairly busy for the next month so my posting might be a little 'thin' for a bit...but I'll try to keep up best I can...
The Iraq war is getting really political now. Not that it really wasn't before but the dems have control of congress now, so it will become even more so. But be careful democrats, anything you do now may come back to bite you in the ass later... With the dems letting Clinton get away with comitting felonies while in office, the whole governmental system in America is quickly becoming a bigger joke by the day. Policy in this country is all for special interest (ie: whoever has the most money) and the latest poll(s).
If you haven't seen the video yet, it is amazing to me. While closed, a video crew captured rats running wild in a New York City Taco Bell/KFC. Not just one or two...but many. How could employees allow this to continue? I am fairly confident - from past experience - that even 1 rat would have left tell-tale signs of it's residency in the restaurant and something should have been done at that time. Closing the restaurant for 1 day to exterminate rats would cost the restaurant a lot less money then it will lose now that this video is out.
With the exception of this past NFL season, my fantasy sports team have sucked big time in my respective leagues...primarily due to injuries. My fantasy NBA team had been doing alright and when Paul Pierce returned after injury I figured I could begin an upturn towards the end of the season...nope, now my star, Dwayne Wade is likely out for the season and Antwain Jameson is injured for me as well... looks like a spot in the cellar for another league is my destiny.
You go to a strip club and shower $81,000 on the stage and get pissed when people begin to take it? I know you need to take $81k to a strip club to have a good time, but you can not fault those from thinking it is theirs when you toss it around so freely. Pacman Jones is an idiot.
Dennis Johnson, I guy I remember watching on many a Celtics team with Larry Bird and Kevin McHale died at age 52. Cardiac arrest is listed as the cause, one wonders if any drugs may have accelerated his life expentancy.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Phillips Signs 6 Year Deal, Bonds Taunting
Perusing the 'headlines' today, nothing really too exciting...
So we'll start off with the Chargers signing Shaun Phillips to a 6 year deal. Phillips of course is the linebacker that plays the opposite side of Merriman. Phillips finished 2nd in the NFL for sacks amongst linebackers...of course behind Merriman. So this is another key signing for the Chargers to keep the core of their team together for the near future.
Britain looks like they are pulling out of Iraq whether America likes it or not. Good for them.
Hyping for the Floyd Merriweather-Oscar De La Hoya fight has begun. Hopefully the fight lives up to they hype, I think I am going to try and watch it if possible.
Bonds shows up to spring training taunting the grand jury. And why shouldn't he taunt the grand jury? In the end they will not do anything to him.
Bob Babich named defensive coordinator for the Chicago Bears. I know Bob Babich for only one thing, ruining a once proud and dominant Division II football team. Proof again that incompetence is quickly glossed over when reviewing your credentials.
And for reference purposes, here's the 2007 salary cap figures for NFL teams as of 2/9/07.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Simpsons Movie Trailer '07
Most likely a movie I'm willing to see in a theatre...first one in about 4 years...
Fat Tuesday
Happy Mardi Gras to everyone. The only time people care about religion anymore is when a big party is involved.
Two big headline sporting events happened over the weekend, both of which I paid little or no attention too... The Daytona 500 and the NBA All-Star Game. This year's Daytona 500 continued to display why it lost me as a fan sometime ago...lots of wrecks because everyone is grouped together and then a 1 or 2 lap 'shootout' for the win...with the winner the guy who was lucky enough to not wreck all day. The NBA All-Star game is like most other all-star games that I don't defense, lots of show-boating and a good time for the players but really boring for the viewers.
Chargers Hire Turner, Cottrell, Rivera
The Chargers hire a trio of coaches to fill their vacancies. Hiring Norv Turner to be the head coach, is just plain retarded. Ted Cottrell has proven to be an incompetent defensive coordinator was named to fill that position with the Chargers and Ron Rivera, ex-Bear defensive coordinator, was named as the linebackers coach. I am going on record right now not liking Turner and Cottrell hirings...both have proven track records of being losers. Not sure why the Chargers are intent on hiring guys in the system that have shown they failed in the system rather then get some fresh faces into the mix.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Lots Of Angels
A beatiful day for folks to try and break the record for most snow angels. I think if I still lived in Bismarck and had nothing better to do today, I would have showed up. Instead I worked all day and night (and don't live in Bismarck)...but got the next two days off to recoup, and I am enjoying a nice cold one now as I enter this post...
Incidently, in my younger days I played many a game of frisbee, football and a variety of other activities on the capital mall, where this event took place.
It is a fantastic, wide open, well maintained lawn that anyone (at least you use to be able too when I was young) can go and play on...and many did. It was great.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Chargers Coaching Search, Bono Gets Snubbed
Boo, the cheater signs a deal with the Giants. Have I mentioned I dislike Barry Bonds?
It was just yesterday that I mentioned all the cheating in NASCAR, well it continues. And now it is Jeff Gordon and there are only two types of Gordon fans...those that absolutely love him and those that hate every fiber of his being. So there is some redneck heckling going on today.
The Chinese New Year started. It's the year of the pig. I really don't care.
The Chargers interviewed Rex Ryan and Norv Turner yesterday. Amongst the Charger fan forums I frequent, Rex has generated some pretty good buzz. Norv seems like a Marty-esque type old time coach that can coach a good team into losing a big game. Pete Carroll has came out to say that he was not contacted by the Chargers for the head coaching spot. I just chuckle at some of the wild speculation out there...I was enjoying a drink last night when an acquaintance I hadn't seen in a while came up and starting talking football and one of the first words out of his mouth was "Hey, I heard the Chargers are going to hire Dennis Green!" followed by a hearty laugh. I chuckle back and try to confirm that he, of course, is joking but no, his reply is that "...I heard it on the radio." Well, whoever you are listening to on the radio that is saying that is a moron, just like whoever dreams up Pete Carroll...or I have even heard, Bill Cowher (signed as a CBS analyst), Bill Parcells, a trade to get Bellichek (of course LT), Bobby Ross and the list of ridiculous gets even more silly.
I didn't realize the issues that Andy Reid has with his family right now. One son involved in a road rage incident the other with speed and heroin. Crazy.
Living in the barren wasteland, especially when it's been ice-cold for 1/2 a month, will often times make someone go insane like a state legislature who wanted to pass a bill that would have honored Bono. Fuck that...he has no connection to this state and this is probably just a weak attempt to try and get the band to perform somewhere in the state.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Carroll To Chargers Seems Unlikely, NASCAR Cheats
I'm not sure how the rumour started, but it's out there...that Pete Carroll is a candidate for the head coaching position in San Diego. Whether true on not, there are several follow-up articles (here and here) to this rumour essentially detailing the unlikelihood of hiring Pete Carroll, which makes me happy...last I checked he sucked as a coach in the NFL.
Just in time for his birthday, the U.S. mint releases the $1 George Washington coin. I've always liked the Sacajawea 'gold' $1 coins and these look pretty cool as well. I think the $1 coins are great for leaving tips. But of course, it will not replace the paper version of the dollar bill.
I admit it, I use to be a big NASCAR fan, back in the 80's and through the early 90's when ESPN covered all but 4 or 5 races a year. Back when 'NASCAR was cool'. But it seemed that when NASCAR became more popular in general (especially with women) I became less interested in NASCAR. It also seemed as if the NASCAR season now also goes much longer and the climax of the NASCAR season - towards the end of the season - runs opposite of the NFL and the choice over whice sport to watch is a no brainer. To me, it also seems as if the sport itself is filled with whiners and complainers. In the 80's if you tried to 'block' a faster car you ended up in the wall and that was that. Now-a-days it's a pissing and moaning contest after every race with enough NASCAR rules and regulations to make the sport dulled to max. So now comes the biggest race of the season, the Daytona 500 and to kick off the new season it now seems as if cheating is the new fad in NASCAR. Yet another reason to continue to tune out of NASCAR.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Chargers Have 6 Candidates, Valentine's Day
More Americans are criminals. Zero tolerance towards drug related crimes means more sex offenders on the streets. So many are so happy that the drug problem is getting taken care of in this country.
Chargers start with six candidates. The Chargers have requested interviews with Norv Turner, Ron Rivera, Jim Mora, Mike Singletary, Rex Ryan and Mike Zimmer. Only Turner is in a non-defensive position and I hope the least likely to get the job based on his past performance as an NFL coach. Rex Ryan is interesting to me...Baltimore's defensive coordinator and I do believe the Ravens run the 3-4, so he could be a good fit. Regardless, it appears as if a defensive minded head coach may be running the show next year for the Chargers
The arctic air that has kept this region in frigid cold for the past 2 weeks is finally moving out of here and causing more headaches elsewhere. We did not get much snow but it has been very cold for the past 2 and 1/2 weeks. Friday it is suppose to be close to 20 will feel like summer.
And of course today is Valentine's Day. If you are a dating single odds are you will be going out for a nice meal, enjoying the company of your companion, exchange tokens of your endearment and probably have sex. If you are married with children you will likely be doing what I will be doing: eating a hot dog and macaroni and cheese with the kids, giving your wife a card and candy/flowers that were purchased on your lunch break and going to sleep early so that you're not tired for work tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Marty's Fired
What caught most everybody by surprised, the Chargers fire Marty Schottenheimer. The Chargers gave Marty a vote of confidence after the playoff loss to New England saying he would return next season as the head coach of the Chargers. Now, as the offseason has progressed, the Chargers are left with no offensive or defensive coordinator as well as other coaching vacancies. As Dean Spanos said in his statement, the reason Marty was to be retained was because of coaching staff, that many thought would leave if Marty was fired. Well Marty wasn't fired and they all left anyways. I heard one sports commentary saying how this is probably the most enviable head coaching position in the NFL right now...hopefully the right man gets the job and leads the Chargers to the Super Bowl next year!
Friday, February 09, 2007
Anna's Dead, Who Reunites
Anna Nicole Smith died yesterday. Her mother thinks it was drug related...she's really going out on a limb there. I've never met Anna but I'm guessing even if drugs weren't in her system at the time of her death (which I think is probably unlikely), she has done enough drugs in the past that they have finally caught up with her. I will say that I do recall seeing her pictorial in Playboy and she was hot. Then it all went downhill from that point. There is still several legal questions that still need to be settled, including who should get over $400 million and who the father of her most recent daughter is. In the end, lawyers will end up with all the money.
You see why I refuse to comment on Iraq? Now a report comes out detailing the Pentagon's manipulation of intelligence to link Saddam Hussein to al-Qaida. Many of the pro-Bush, pro-war ilk quickly retort that none of the good news is being reported that is happening in Iraq. That's because the longer this war goes on the more we find out how we could have not even been at war right now. Thanks G.W. And now we got the new Defense Secretary coming out and saying we can prove how Iran is helping Iraq. Was the war in Afghanistan going so bad we needed to start a war in Iraq and that war is so bad we need to start a new war with Iran? If that war goes sour, who's next? I'm sure the Islams will quick to cite a holy war if Iran is targeted next.
Here's a new tact on global warming, one that I actually may warm up to (if you pardon the pun). I grew tired of how many of the global warming advocates clamored for humans to reduce their pollutants and carbon emissions and if not, we will all be living on the sun. To me that not seemed very impractical and a great cost to mankind in general, there had to be other options, not? Well, here's one I can support... a prize given to anyone that come up with a way to extract the greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. With it barely above zero for the past 2 weeks and for the foreseeable near future, I'm still a doubter about this whole global warming issue.
With Wade Phillips going to the Cowboy's the Chargers need to replace yet another coach. Again I wonder why the only coach that seems to be remaining with the Chargers is Marty Schottenheimer, a proven playoff year feels very painful again... 16-0 in the regular season and lose the first game in the playoffs painful....
Everyone is getting back together, the Police, the Eagles and now The Who. Of course it is pretty easy for the The Who to reunite since the only living members of the original band are Roger Daltry and Pete Townshend.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Phillips To Be Next Dallas Head Coach
Wade Phillips will get another opportunity to be the head coach of a football team. This time it's the Dallas Cowboys. Phillips has always been a solid defensive coordinator but has struggled as a head coach. Jerry Jones interviewed everyone under the sun and Wade must have been the guy he felt he could 'push around' the way he would like too.
Dumb Bet
A die-hard Bears fan lost a bet he made and is legally changing his name to Peyton Manning. I understand people make bets and will lose them, heck I do. But why this bet is stupid is because if I read the story correctly, he actually is not betting against anyone else. So either he doesn't win the bet and has to change his name or nothing. Anytime anyone wants to 'bet' me but offers no penalty for me if I should lose the bet, I will accept that bet.
Here's the latest in the North Korea nuke talks. I follow this story because I think it is humorous to think people actually believe North Korea in anything they say. They will say anything to get America to give them what they really want. The only reason N. Korea has nukes now is because they lied about their nuclear program that America help fund. Now they 'may' dismantle their nukes but what do they really want?
France's anti-doping agency is to wait on Landis ruling. By the time someone decides whether or not the evidence against Landis is legit or not even less people will care. I do find it interesting that the delay was at Landis' appeal. One would think that if his defense is so rock solid he would be willing to have any and all rulings be levied. And he is so focused on beating these charges has said he will not race in 2007. Looks like he wants his ruling to be in the shadow of a new champion, add confusion to who then should be champion of the '06 Tour and have less attention given to the awarding of the eventual champion of the 2006 Tour de France.
We all knew European soccer fans are insane. Italy is taking a very drastic step to curb the violence at soccer games by not allowing ANY FANS in the stands. Yes, games will be played in empty stadiums. I know I would not be attending any event if I knew the likelihood of a riot was going to least at my age today....
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Prince Not So Clean
For those keeping score at home, it is not o.k. to expose your breasts (females) during a halftime show. But it is ok to have phallicesque imagery as long as it is behind a curtain. And of course now all the 'innocent' victims that someone told what was going on have a problem with it...3 days later.
The NFL is also enacting what many are calling the "Merriman Rule". If you test positive you will be ineligible from post-season awards. As many in the media have pointed out, many of the award winners don't care about the awards in the first place. The dropout list for the Pro Bowl grows every day because there is really no incentive for going to the Pro Bowl...or any other award for that matter.
Speaking of steroids, looks like tomorrow we may find out if Floyd Landis will keep his 2006 Tour de France victory.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Terry Tate "Office Linebacker"
A while ago I had seen the original Terry Tate "Office Linebacker" video, as I am sure many did. I didn't realize that there were more episodes made until just today and stumbled upon them and all are pretty good...
So here they are in case you haven't seen them before... all are under 5 minutes in length and a good laugh if you ask me...
Sensitivity Training
On vacation
History Of Terry Tate
Super Weekend Wrapup
Just getting back to normal after the big Super Bowl weekend. I thought the game was very entertaining for a Super Bowl and by the ratings so did the rest of America. The first quarter was probably as wild of a start as you could have asked for with the opening kickoff going for a touchdown. But when you look back at the game itself, you could see that the Colts beat the Bears fairly handedly and if you threw out the first quarter the Bears were soundly trounced. I would have to say that my prediction was fairly close to being dead on and only 8 points off. I did not see Prince at the halftime, as I never watch the halftime show, but apparently everyone is raving about his performance...good for him. Super Bowl commercials... the ones I saw didn't seem too amusing at all, as usual. It seems as if every year the commercials are hyped more than the game, the game actually lives up to the hype yet the commercials fail to follow-thru. I of course learned a long time ago to take Monday off to recover so things are still getting back up to speed for me.
The NFL also announced it's 2007 Hall Of Fame inductees. Cokehead Michael Irvin is receiving all the buzz because he is a cokehead loser. Thurman Thomas deserves to be a HOFer and should be the highlight of the '07 class, imo.
Meth snorting, gay-loving minister Ted Haggard is now completely heterosexual. But that's only because he hasn't been able to score some blow for the past three weeks while in 'counseling'.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Groundhog Day Headlines
Happy Groundhog's Day to everyone. And according to Punxsutawney Phil we will have an early spring. With temps going to be sub-zero for a while around here, spring can not begin soon enough for me.
People have been lawsuit happy for quite some time, this is a surprise to no one. But here again we hear of people looking for an easy paycheck suing someone over something that is just plain silly. A guy was trying to sue the Anaheim Angels for damages because a Mother's Day promotion gave a free gift to women over the age of 18. He claimed this was discrimination. His lawsuit was thrown out and we'll wait to see what ridiculous lawsuit comes next from someone.
Ex-Charger Drew Brees and current Charger and reigning MVP LaDainian Tomlinson share the Walter Payton NFL Man Of The Year Award. Rain awards on these guys all you want too...still is not replacing the desire for a Super Bowl Championship.
And this can't be... Brett Favre announcing before the draft that he is coming back next year? He will milk his 'might be retiring' status for as long as he can get away with it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if he retires at one point and then half way through the following season decides to come back for some team. I tire of Brett Favre.
And here's more information regarding Apple's iPhone that I didn't know about in the past. First off it is overpriced like most every other Apple product. At $500 it is a spendy phone and according to the article there are already phones that people are purchasing that look and do much of what Apple's iPhone is claiming to be able to do and at less than $200. Then you'll notice that the iPhone is only available on Cingular networks. The iPhone will be like every other Apple product. Rich, elite celebrities will have these products thinking that they are 'cool' but anyone that knows anything knows that Apple and any of their products are just over-priced, flashy gadgets that are usually far less in quality and performance then most other competing products.
YouTube gets bought out by Google and now loses all of the videos you wanted to see. YouTube use to have all the best video clips from shows, movies, etc... Now it will just be filled with girls (and lame guys) lip-syncing to lame songs.
And the big global warming summit concluded saying that global warming is caused by humans and no matter what humans try to do, it will continue no matter what. do we have to hear about this all the time now?
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Headlines - New Eagles LP, TV Terrorists
Why is the U.S. economy so strong? It's because Americans spend every dime they make and don't save a dime. After spending every penny you have you then go get a credit card and max that out. My wife is that person and up until 2 years ago I did nothing. Now I am proud to say that I am almost debt-free (with the exception of my mortgage) and within a few months instead of making a loan payment to pay off a delinquent credit card my wife maxed out some 7 years ago, I will get to keep that money...I can hardly wait to go spend it on something!Boston officials are 'livid' over a publicity stunt for a cartoon that had the city fearing terrorism. Who is dumber in this situation? TBS who did the promotional campaign without notifying authorities first about it? Or the Boston officials who think a blinking cartoon sign is a terror device where "...locations in 10 cities where it said the devices had been placed for two to three weeks"?
In the no surprise department, oil companies continue to post record profits. Exxon-Mobil set it's new annual profit record of $39.5 billion. But again, remember that the price you are paying at the pump is just the costs to get that fuel to you...
Global warming wishy-washy...In what many thought would end up with a definitive 'yes' answer in Paris, officials from 113 countries got together to finally determine who is causing global warming, because of course someone has got to be causing it, this can't be natural. Their end result is that it is 'very likely' humans are causing global warming. I still am not a believer of global warming. Just because the past few years winters have been mild doesn't necessarily mean it is a long-term trend. But with instant media capability covering any natural occurrence and people's impatience, 3 years of mild winters means the polar ice caps are doomed.
The latest in the Barry Bonds' contract saga is pleasant to hear - for me - in that Barry, yes Barry, won't sign the revised contract. And from the sounds of it, it is because Barry is a self-centered ego-maniac and doesn't want to do what the Giants want him to do, namely be a team player. That takes time away from Bonds when he could be shooting up with HGH.
Steve Foley is suing the cop that shot him. Those that have followed this story knew this was coming. From what I've read, the off-duty cop that shot him disobeyed several department practices regarding this incident. Sure Foley may have been drunk but that didn't mean this situation needed to end up in him being shot. But cops are all power-hungry assholes and the odds are in their favor that they will be able to get away with shooting, beating or belittling a person, all of which the cop is looking to do.
The Eagles are putting out a new album. After seeing the truckloads of money they got after reuniting and going on tour in '94, the Eagles appear to be ready to release a new album. I am sure they will then go on tour and charge over $100 a ticket to see them but I am almost certain at some point one of the members of the Eagles will say something like "...we just felt we owed it to our fans...". I don't mind the Eagles but this just wreaks of selling-out...doing it for a paycheck.