Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Nothing Original These Days

I'm trying to figure out what the young people of today know and/or do and from what I have gathered so far is nothing. The music they listen too is more times then not a song that was popular pre-1990. The clothes they wear are gawdy '70's fashions or something that will reveal their tatoos and piercings..which means not much material. Movies are remakes. Television is just fake reality shows of people fighting. Most have no idea that the 'M' in MTV means music and that MTV at one time played music videos. Many of the young people have it so easy they don't even know what 'work' actually is. And the ones that do have jobs treat the job as if it is optional...that is they will work as they feel they need too.

Now my observations aren't from just observing and dealing with one or two people but several. I have been employing and working with college aged individuals for about 10 years now and yes, there are still those that actually need a job to pay their bills, actually listen to music that isn't just redone to today's 'sound' and in general are in tune with 'reality'. But the number of those individuals is greatly outnumbered by the worthless and lazy.

The reason I bring this issue up today is because I have been dealing with an intern that was brought on by someone else in my workplace but she wanted to get involved in my area of work as well. I have no problem with this. But when I describe and detail some of the projects she could take on she is only willing to do the portion of the project that she already knows how to do and if anything requires any more work then that would be left up to me. Well, what good are you then? And why don't I just do the whole project myself so that it will be done right in the first place? I mean it's an internship and the basis of an internship, I thought, was to learn new things that would better prepare you for your occupation after college but not today. Today it is just do whatever you want and as little as possible.

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