Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Life As A Manager

I have been employed in the 'real world' for most of my life, going on 20 years plus now and yet how the jobs and coworkers may have changed, many things have stayed the same. One such constant is that many a manager and/or sales person that holds a position of some power is a total moron and every day you wonder how they even function as a human being let alone somehow gained this occupational power. Today I muttered that exact same question several times as I was assigned a task to do for them. What better way to illustrate the efficiency of a manager then to recount today's assignment...

I arrive to work to see an email from said manager, it states: "Please create a disc with pictures from events t, u, v, w, x, y and z (names not needed). Once complete call M at the following phone number. This all needs to be done by this afternoon." Task seems simple enough, right? Well, my first replay back via email is to say that we do not have pictures from events v, w, x and y and the pictures from z are 5 years old - but that is the first trait of a 'powerful' manager, they have no clue what actually goes on at their work place. Do not worry manager says, here are discs with the pictures I would like included, handing me 2 discs. The manager displaying disdain for any negativity about this simple task swoops in to save the project - at least that is what they think - but at the same time the manager isn't even aware of what they are saying or doing because they haven't had to do any actual work in some time. The discs are DVD's and contain no pictures. After finally getting the proper pictures sent to me from said manager and then burning the disc, my last obstacle is to merely call the guy and have him pick up the disc. But no, the contact number given to me has been disconnected. Absolutely NOTHING, was correct or even close in the original assignment email from the manager.

Other than burning the cd itself, which you would think any moron can do these days, I had no involvement nor needed any involvement in this task at all. Instead, because a manager I work with is too lazy and has the power to just pawn off even the most menial task to anyone they desire, I basically have to inquire every 30 minutes as what to do next because any information given to me for this task is not accurate or is not applicable...but if done by the original contact person should have taken all of 10 minutes and 1 person to completely do the task.

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