Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sosa: Tested Positive For Steroids

It is all but official now, every 'power' hitter of the 90's through 2003 was on steroids. Sammy Sosa was finally outed and did indeed test positive for steroids in 2003.

So for those that need to review...

The "greatest" pitcher of this era, Roger Clemens, on steroids.
The "greatest" hitter of All-Time, Barry Bonds, on steroids.
Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Bonds all hit for more than 61 homeruns in a season...all on steroids.

Is MLB going to do anything to try and rectify the unbelievable skewed stats during the roid era? Probably not. The sad part is that I continue to hear all of these hall of fame voters that said they are going to vote all these roid-boys into the hall of fame because they are just 'comparing' them with others during their era...which is total bullshit because there may have been several players that didn't use steroids and what do they get for playing honostly during a dishonost time? Absolutely nothing.

I know I am going to make sure that my son knows that all these guys are cheaters and equal to piles-of-shit even though the media tries to 'soften' the crime and justify their actions. I am hoping that a commissioner down the road has the balls to banish all these cheaters from the game's the least they deserve.


As this story continues to hit the airwaves, sports pages, etc... I was quickly alerted to this fact:

5 out of the 6 greatest power hitters of the past decade or so have all tested positive steroids, Bonds, McGwire, Sosa, Manny Ramirez and Palmerio. The only player so far that hasn't had a hint of steroids attached to his name: Jim Thome ... All I could say is wow... I mean I have been one to quickly judge everyone in baseball during the roid era as guilty but I had no idea it really is that close to reality. MLB was and is a joke until it can do something to rectify all the cheating, lying and cover-ups and the best and only way that can be done, in my eyes, is to still banish all these cheaters from the game ifs ands or buts. Anything less than that is just accepting their lying, cheating and cover-up attempts as acceptable behavior.

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