Monday, November 26, 2007

Week Of Excess Concluces

Today I am back at work from essentially a week off, a week of where I was drinking too much and staying up too late almost every night. Here's a quick recap of my break...

Saturday: A friend from out of town is here, a group of us check out his brothers band and drink until 3 AM.
Sunday: Up by noon and watch NFL from noon until 11 PM ... drinking.
Monday: Worked 1/2 day, took it somewhat easy in the evening, a few beers during the Monday night game.
Tuesday: Day of rest...Took it easy.
Wednesday: Saw Zappy perform at Dempsey's Public House and then partied like rock stars until 4:30 AM.
Thursday/Thanksgiving: Grilled Turkey, played some poker at night, dead tired and passed out at 2 AM.
Friday: Stay home, drank and screwed around on the computer until 3 AM.
Saturday: Played poker and stayed up until 3 am...drinking.
Sunday: Up by noon, watched NFL all day and drank...

And now today... I am actually fatigued from my break and I didn't do anything except stay up late and drink... boy do I need a break! To make coming back to work seem even more sucky is that the weather for the past week was relatively pleasant and mild but the forecast has that all ending today with the weather beginning to turn colder and crappy.

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