Friday, November 30, 2007

TV Show Finds Mysterious Footprints

I was just skimming through the internet news when I came across this story about a television production crew, doing an 'investigative' show on the Yeti...likely trying to prove it's existence or not. And wouldn't you know it...they stumbled across some, thought to be, some Yeti footprints. The Yeti, like Bigfoot, are 2 creatures that about 12 people on the planet believe in and as a result, 1,000,000 television documentaries are made about Bigfoot, Yeti's, the Loch Ness Monster, UFO's and aliens. And what does every single television documentary have in common in it's investigation about any of the above listed fictional entities? They can present enough circumstantial, non-physical evidence to warrant another television documentary.

Footprints? Gee, I wonder where they came from and how fortunate it was for a television crew that just happens to be doing a documentary on Yeti's to stumble across them. Surely these footprints weren't fabricated by a human for publicity...that would be very deceitful and surely no one in the media would be so nefarious as to do anything as such.

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