Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Day Snorefest

Yesterday was the big mid-term elections for many areas of the country. For my region was nothing special. The senator up for re-election will continue to be re-elected until he retires or a scandal and the same goes for the representative. Their election days are wrapped up at approximately 8:15...the polls close at 8, victory speech at 8:05, mingle for 10 minutes then hop in the vehicle waiting for you to take you back to D.C. and they won't need to be back here until their next campaign.

Typically then there are at least one or two state or city referendums that will get people to the polls...but not this year. Referendums were not only confusing but fairly boring. There was a 20% energy referendum that stated that 20% of the energy consumed by the city had to come from renewable energy sources but a week prior to the vote had officials first stating that there is no way to enforce the law and then energy companies saying they will gladly comply but rates would increase because of that...needless to say this was voted down.

Democrats take the house and possibly the Senate...yipee... you replace one lying crooked politician with another one, it does not matter if they claim to be a Repub or Dem - both major parties have one thing in common...they both do not want to see anyone get elected that would actually stand up for people's rights, spend wisely and vote as their constituents would like. Dems and Republicans are just one in the same and word their lawmaking a little differently to sound as if they are actually doing something but in reality both parties, if left to their desires, would, and are taking this country to the exact, yet to be determined, same place.

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