Thursday, August 03, 2006


Me and the family are on vacation next week and for the first time ever, all four of us are going somewhere together! Well, it is barely somewhere, but it is somewhere other than home, so that will meet the minimum criteria for a family vacation. We are packing up and going to spend a few days in my hometown of Bismarck. I haven't been back there in about 3 years so it is meeting the pleas of my family that continually hound me as to why I haven't been back in so long and after next week, I will remember why I don't go back that often...actually I don't need to go back to remember why, I know why. It is about as boring and lame as it gets. I do have some friends back there but living in Dullsville, USA has made them complacent. The last time I was back none of them even wanted to go out and hit the town...and not that I blame them, there really is nothing to do there...but come on, make an effort. I've already contacted all of them and with the exception of one , I expect to not see much of any of my friends while I am back...and not that it is that big of a deal because we wouldn't be doing much anyways.

This vacation is mainly for the kids and for our family members that don't get to see them that often. I'm sure the kids are going to have a blast and my wife and I will be happy to get back home. It would be nice to have a large sum of money to go somewhere farther and do more but that is not the case...this year. Since my wife and I had children I have always told her I've wanted to go on a family vacation. Every year something has always prevented us from doing so...mostly money and time. This year I made sure my vacation time would be saved and be used during the same time as our daycare provider..taking care of the time issue. Now I just need to work on the monetary issues, but I am hoping a year from now that will at least be less of an issue, but with gas prices rising by the hour may always be an issue.

Anyways, I'm just glad to have a week off and am excited to get done with work tomorrow so that I can officially begin my vacation!

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