Thursday, August 03, 2006

What Am I Watching?

As many that know me and frequent my blog here, know that I am very critical of television...that is, I think most everything on network television is crap. And not just crap, but unwatchable crap. Reality shows are everywhere and they all appear to be getting lamer and lamer. I have never got caught up in the 'reality show' craze. I do admit to watching the first season of the Osbournes on MTV but that is about it. So what the hell do I watch on TV you ask? Well here's your answer:

Sports. Without a doubt I love watching sports. Of course the NFL is my favorite and I'm not much of a college football I usually skip Saturdays. I like the NHL next and when it comes to the playoffs, I try and catch every game I can. NBA and MLB I will usually only watch playoff games but if I'm home and bored, I'll tune in the Twins or the Timberwolves just because I'm in their market and they are usually on. I will also watch the major PGA events as well as Tennis. I have always enjoyed the Majors in both those sports.

Ok, so if it isn't sports then what? Well, I have just started tuning into FX's 'Always Sunny In Philadelphia'. I have just seen a handful of episodes and I do believe it is a fairly new series so is just beginning to develop the characters, but to me it seems as if it is a bit Seinfeldesqe, that is a show that is basically about nothing. What makes it a bit different is that there is profanity - and a fair amount of that - and is on a basic cable channel. But overall, I think the show has a different tact then most other sitcoms on television today and have enjoyed the episodes I have seen so far.

Next up is the 'Boondocks'. I am an avid reader of the Aaron McGruder's comic of the same name and was interested to see if an animated show would appeal to me and it has. To me it parrallels the Chappelle Show, that is it makes fun of the many stereotypes in American society today. The show, to me, seems like a very edgy, modern animated series.

I have always watched the Simpsons, and as one of my former co-workers said, "The greatest show ever put on television." I definately think the Simpsons is in a class by itself. It has been on television for...ever and every year seems to keep putting out quality episodes.

For some reason I have also endured through every episode of Saturday Night Live for most of my life. SNL is one of those entities that when I was young was a great treat, getting to stay up late on Saturday to watch SNL was like Christmas every week when you are 12, because what else are you going to do on a Saturday night in your pre-teen years? And for whatever reason it is just something I haven't been able to shake. Although I very rarely sit and actually watch an episode of SNL as it is airing but I have always taped (and now DVR) and watched at a later time. I felt this last season of SNL was a down year with very few sketches that appealed to me. Debbie Downer was lame and it seemed as if that was pushed on us every episode. I don't think Horatio Sans is that good. Andy Samberg has some funny moments but it did seem as they were outnumbered by lame moments-cats with lasers comes to mind and his impression off on weekend update first episode of the new season both, lame as lame can be.

I also do watch almost every televised poker show. I enjoy The World Poker Tour and The Professional Poker Tour both on the Travel Channel as well as all the WSOP events aired on ESPN. All three of those productions seem to be the standard that is set for quality poker seen on television.

Finally, I can't get enough of the Colbert Report. I like the Daily Show and still watch it as well but until the Colbert Report started to air I didn't think making fun of the news could get any funnier but Stephen Colbert somehow manages to do it. Every show seems hilarious to some degree and I'm amazed that his schtick(sp?) never grows old.

So there you have it... my television viewing...

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