Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Caller ID - What Type Are You?

I am proud to announce a new topic for people to peeve about...

We've all heard of the debate on toilet paper rolls - should the roll of toilet paper go over the top or behind? Essentially a mindless debate on personal quirks...so I have unveiled a new one for all to discuss whenever they desire...

The caller id - do you delete the numbers after viewing them once or leave them on the device that is displaying them until they are purged automatically? You see, I am one that is of the latter mindset...and I don't think any number should be deleted from a caller id device...because why? My wife, on the other hand, can barely contain herself if (god-forbid) a number is left on the caller id display after being viewed upon...and I am now beginning to see that she (nor I) am alone in our caller id habit.

I just don't understand the 'I have to delete it right away' mentality. What's the harm of leaving the number there? I have 'my own' phone near my computer and I often taunt her with the fact that the caller id is completely full... it is like an addiction to her. She will then try and get the phone to delete all the previous calls as I try to prevent her from doing so. Caller id has made me lazy... I barely can remember a phone number anymore because I can merely punch it up on the caller id and hit dial. Odds of me calling anyone that hasn't called me in the last month (which is about 100 calls and my caller id storage limit) isn't likely...so if I need to find a number, either I have it, or I will be looking it up.

What is insane, is my wife and the other caller id-deleting types. Why do the numbers need to be deleted instantly? They certainly aren't affecting the performance of the device that is storing them? And why would you even consider buying a caller id device that can hold 100 numbers (or even more now-a-days) if you are going to delete them instantly? Plus, there is nothing more that drives me nuts when someone calls and I am to return their call and I (even today) stupidly ask 'What's the number?' I no-doubtedly will end up going to get my phone because I know it won't be on any of the other 'family' phones because my wife has already gotten to it and deleted it with glee.

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