Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Spring Has Sprung

You will often hear me complain about how I live in the 'barren wasteland'... which is true. Living in North Dakota is the barren wasteland. Very rarely is a week of 'nice' weather ever strung together in a calendar year. Every season in North Dakota can either be the worst case scenario or the best... this is an area of extremes. Our winter was relatively mild... I think we only had about 20 days of below zero temperatures and was broken up by some milder weather - milder meaning about 10 degrees above zero...and of course I'm talking Fahrenheit.

March and April are most certainly a crapshoot when it comes to the weather... we have had snow up until May some years. In 1997 the month of April was one the coldest, most miserable months in recent years... and the summer that followed was nothing but dreary. The summer of 1997, on the barren wasteland was pathetic... it was literally cloudy and cool every day for the entire summer.

So you will have to excuse my over-enthusiasm about the weather we have been having here recently... it has been nothing short of pleasant. The sun has been out for weeks now and most importantly, the temperature has been above 60 every day for the past 2 weeks...which is great. Living in the barren wasteland you need to savor these days because who knows, it may not get above 60 the entire month of May in these parts...

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