Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Hicksville, USA

Yes, I live in Hicksville, USA. Sure, there are people that appear normal and exhibit the traits of people that reside in the 21st century, but don't let the 'normal' folk fool you...you are in Hicksville. In the past few weeks I've begin to 'tune' my senses to begin to pick out examples of my region/town being that of Hicksville...and although one has already slipped my mine, I was able to retain such example and hope to continue to list examples as I collect them...

So my first example of why people in this town/region are hicks is here...

I'm out on a Saturday night with a few friends at a bar, enjoying another friend's band...so as you can imaging, the place has a fair number of folks that I would consider an acquaintance... so one of these 'acquaintances' - one that I particularly don't like and maybe is why this happened - begins to spout off on how he hates the internet and computers. Sure, we all have hated computers and/or the internet for one reason or another at sometime...but this guy was adament on how much of a waste the internet is. While this conversation is developing, me not saying anything because his primary purpose was to obviously provoke me, he searches out other people (in a very loud and obnoxious manner) to further elaborate his point that no one here uses, wants or needs the internet.

You see, this is why I live in Hicksville. People in this region are stupid, or maybe it's the people I hang around with...I haven't firgured out which yet...

I end the conversation with "If you don't have the internet, you don't know all the great porn you've been missing." Which gets a great response from my friends, the exchanging of porn sites - and I'm telling you right now, exchanging porn sites is a great 'ice-breaker' between men, next time you are with another guy for any length of time and have covered all the 'basic' topics, start swapping porn sites, you'll have a real fun time...trust me! Then finally the conversation then turns to something more interesting like after we get some off-sale, where are we going to go to drink?

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