Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Why American Idol Sucks

Ok, full rant mode has been achieved...

I will preface this, and all my other rants regarding television, that I use to work in television and as a result, I think everything on national TV sucks, with the exception of sports and The Simpsons.

American Idol sucks and panders to STUPID people...ie: 13 year-old girls. I have not watched 1 second of this show and know absolutely nothing about it...so you then say to yourself, how can I make such a definitive statement about a show that I have never watched...easy:

First, there is a promo for American Idol on Fox ever 4 seconds, so I probably have seen every episode without even knowing it...I may not know the names, but I certainly know the faces. Next, the show is such a phenominal success that a person can not avoid it's mention on any media. And finally, we all know (again because we've seen 1 trillion promos for the fucking show) how the show works... people perform and then are either lauded with praise or ripped apart.

So why does it suck? For starters, you have the people that watch the show because they secretly (or maybe not secretly) dream of being a singing sensation themselves. They think by watching this show they will learn some valuable 'tips' from the judges that will further their own singing career - which currently is singing karaoke at bars and feeling like a superstar. These very same people then get their own ego stroked when on American Idol they show the horrible performers and ridicule that they receive..."Well I know I'm better than him, I could try out for American Idol and then who knows what?" stupid person thinks...

What could possibly be worse than American Idol you ask? Well, how about people talking about American Idol... Oh, I liked Dave last night because he had a red coat on and danced...but Debbie last week was so on... gimme a break... isn't there a karaoke competition you need to be at?

To show you how dumb the people that watch AI really are, there is the bad singer who performed 'She Bangs' by Ricky Martin last year (or 2 years ago...or whenever...) and now is putting out records and people are actually buying it... if I need to explain how stupid a person is for buying someone's music just to hear how awful it is to you, you best stop reading this now because you probably like American Idol and thus are truly an idiot. You truly are a pawn in society if this is you... Fox owns - yes OWNS the people that win and perform on AI. These performers are probably lucky to be able to make rent money off their record contracts whereas Fox and their record label(s) easily garner the majority of those contracts... and why shouldn't they? They made the performer popular and who they are... there is no way any of these performers would even be known by the idiots that watch AI unless it was for AI itself...which adds to the stupidity of the show itself... don't you idiots see that the entire show is being fed to you? Probably not... you probably think the whole thing is on the up and up and that the winners of the show are truly "star-worthy".

Where are any of these 'stars' of AI today? And if you have an answer, it's only because Fox and their record label are keeping them around. Once the dumb-ass idiots lose their interest in this season's 'flavor' you will no longer hear about any of these AI folks... and god-forbid if the show were to go off the air... I'm just waiting for the headlines "Former American Idol Star Arrested..." because I know it's coming!

I will keep you posted!


Newer Posts:

Why American Idol Sucks Part. II
Why American Idol Still Sucks
American Idol Star Arrested: Who Would Have Guessed

Updated 3/17/08:
American Idol: Jumped The Shark


Anonymous said...

Someone is angry in all the wrong ways. We need to discuss the true issues in America, healtcare and new energy sources, well at least that's what I'm told by people on TV who, I'm sorry to say, all look alike to me. They keep calling themselves "politicians". I think we should have an "American Idol" show for congressman, that would be brilliant.

Anonymous said...

most of the people that go onto american idol are not true musicians themselves...even if they sing in a band or whatever. It's an insult to all of us who play music because we have to, because there is nothing else...and we play what we want to play whether the people like it or not. That's a true musician, someone who does it for themselves, not for the fame, fashion, fortune or fans. American Idolers...just want to be famous. Fuck them and fuck the show for continuing to pump the radio full of pop-laden bullshit. The people are angry, the people don't want to dance...they want to punch you in the face. Those who want to dance are just sheep.

Anonymous said...

In the 70's there was the Gong Show, now there's this piece of crap. Saying stupid people watch this stuff is an insult to stupid people! Case in point- What's ultra-talented (.... NOT) Paula Abdul's IQ? 'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nielsen sucks. Idol, Dancing with retards, Celebrity Ice Fishing, etc. all of these shows are crap. Maybe if Law & Order wasn't on 24/7 we could get some shows that weren't mindless crap.

Anonymous said...

As ENTERTAINERS we completely resent the idea that these ASSCLOWNS get their karioke crap on TV -it's bad enough that the cheap-assed bar owners gave them the pubs to rule. Parroting a whitney houston or maria carrie song is NOT entertaining! I like Ritch Little too (a good impressionist) but he can atleast do more than one voice.

Anonymous said...

I agree! I would much rather watch a movie on Sundance or IFC sopmething that engages you, makes you think. Not the vapid wasteland of mainstream TV This country has lost its edge. Kids can't even be kids anymore, helicopter parents hovering around making sure their kids have cello lessons, dance, karate and spend hours doing homework so they can get in the best schools. End of rant

Anonymous said...

American Idol Sucks because they never help the needy kids in the USA. They chose to ignore the plight of the impoverished American and cater to people in a country that is no more than a dwelling place of roaches and rats of so-called human beings

Anonymous said...

What makes me sick is that i choose not to watch this ahm "talent show" but it is forced down my throat by fox news! I for one do not in any way consider that garbage news worthy in the least. Whats next a break down of 24? Thank god the season is over! Get with it fox, report the news don't self promote crap!!!

Anonymous said...

This show fails. REALLY. But you're being rude prejudice when you say things like, "Stupid people ie. 13-year-old girls..." I'm a thirteen year old girl, and I'm not stupid! This show is only good for a couple goofs here and there, but all it's really about is a bunch of losers wanting to get rich quick. They have a pretty voice, pretty face, and pretty body, but the people on the show are not real musicians. To them, music is more of a product than something to RAWK OWT to.

Anonymous said...

Um...if you have never watched one second of it how come it has you this pissed off? Weird.....

Oh and 13 year old girl...yes you are. This'll all make sense when you're 30

Anonymous said...

Oh how original, Idol brings us just what the world needs. Another gay singer and he's not even an outlandish performer. Don't get me wrong, this is not a gay/straight slam/comment. It is an observation of the lackluster programming of the major networks.

Jewcifer said...

couldn't agree more.

Anonymous said...

Here is the deal on American Idol, how man stars has it really produced? With the exception of Carrie Underwood, the rest are bit players. Where are Clay Aiken, Bo Bice, Taylor Hicks, and the list goes on. It makes about as many stars as The Next Top Model makes runway models. It really does suck and it is early losing it's appeal and the ratings bear that out.

Anonymous said...

american idol sucks the worst show on ptv

it is pointless if you want to watch losers sing and get abused

no talent why watch

bullshit take it off tv and replay the simpsons for an hour

what a crock of shit

Anonymous said...

There is a funny looking old man that I work with that eats ice cream all day and talks about this horrible show! It makes me sick hearing anyone actual talk about this show in any way other than saying is a gay and it sucks! He actually buys the shitty "music" off iTunes or where ever you get this crap from. It shows that music is nearly dead in this world. Give me some Drive by Truckers or some old school anything other than American Homo Idol! I think they should just call it what it is, a stupid karaoke contest. Go to F'ing Japan if you want to do Karaoke!

Anonymous said...

Idols is only about having a cute face and the 9 year old girls voting.

Anonymous said...

My theory is that the RIAA has found a new way to generate revenue with this show, through contracts with FOX. The web has put a huge dent in the RIAA's business, so they have to generate money some other way... this is how they're doing it, in addition to suing kids, and trying to impose royalty tax on radio.

And I agree, this is mindless garbage for very naive people.

Anonymous said...

its all because of money, stupid shyt happens when someone can make easy money

less TV can do anyone good, the way I see it if its fake anyway why not just have a story put together I'm tired of hearing about these rtards that get pushed through hollywood just because of their looks or crap charm

its all crap

Anonymous said...

It is the stupiest show!
what's fun about a blow hard english man knocking the self esteem outta gullible WANNA be's, who then get their asses kissed by a pill poppin' drinkin' 80's has been pop star?
when im online its shoved right down my throat and I have NEVER watched it. and never will.
lets face it, todays tv shows, reality based and this crap is AWFUL! i'll stick to the old funny stuff. PHOOEY on this mind wasting TV nonsense.

Anonymous said...

I think that's why they call it American *Idol* - it's just idolatory.

Anonymous said...

American Idol promotes the worst type of MOR pop singers that could possibly exist. Their goal is to find the best looking, least threatening, soulless singer that they can find. Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Neil Young, Janice Joplin, and Jim Morrison could never have won on American Idol; however, they are far and away better than anyone who has ever set foot on their show. The sell crap, period. Only a tone-deaf person totally devoid of any kind of sophistication would appreciate, let alone, buy an album by an American Idol winner. Who are the judges, anyway? None of them are musicians, and only one of them had any kind of success singing (albeit in the same manner as an American Idol contestant). The Gong Show meets Star Search. That's all it is. The oldest, most hackneyed idea ever hawked. How many talent shows that prove the contestant has no talent do we need?do we need?

Anonymous said...

Yes you have a point but that’s not the main reason American idol sucks. I feel it should be destroyed along with all those involved in the show cause the plan and simple fact of the matter is that it prostitutes the whole spirit of music. It turns something that should be done for fun as an art form into a corporate soulless fame hungry money grubbing slut. Like I said those who believe in the true spirit of music do it just cause they love it and ok if you make some money and gain a few fans it’s just a bonus it shouldn't be the goal.

Anonymous said...

AI does suck. Kids trying to sing songs that their parent barely remember. Judges telling them they really can't "feel" the song. Tried watching it. It's an annoying train reck. I felt uncomfortable for the contestants and the judges simply enjoy their face time. I'd rather be doing something less irritating like sticking toothpicks under my toenails.....

Musicfreak said...

American Idol is, as you said, nothing more than a common-man fallacy designed to pander to people of average intelligence with average or lower singing ability. It exists solely to line the pockets of greedy record company executives. Loved your William Hung rant.

Anonymous said...

WA WA WA american idol... do what you must man

dijidog said...

American idle...I mean idol,not only sucks...they also swallow ! The Gong Show was a masterpiece of cultural artwork in comparison!! There is nothing good to say about it. It is one of the signs you can visually see and physically hear (unfortunately) that shows the mindless sheep like ways of the majority of humans.

Anonymous said...

i rather have a action show or another office without simon or someone to say no its not worn watching.

Anonymous said...

Idol has become a popularity contest. The real talent is voted off and the cutest, or more fun contestants are voted to stay. Talent and ability play little role in who wins anymore. I can't 100% blame the judges. Maybe the future Idol seaons should have more of judges say and less public say to balance out the results. I don't know if I will watch Idol anymore.

Anonymous said...

Amen. More Television crap fodder for mindless couch potatoes.

Anonymous said...

Amen. More Television crap fodder for mindless couch potatoes.