Tuesday, February 15, 2005

We're Number 1!

North Dakota makes it as number one... in underage binge drinking!

In a national survey conducted in 2002-03 North Dakotans aged 12 and older, 31% responded that they had 5 or more drinks in one sitting. The national average is 21% - numbers courtesy the National Survery On Drug Use And Health.

Gee, North Dakota has had consistent out-migration of it's young people and leads the nation in binge drinking. How could that be? I mean the jobs in North Dakota are some of the lowest paying (on national averages) jobs around and in Fargo, our police chief makes sure no one is having any fun what-so-ever (ie: party patrols, sobriety checkpoints, etc...). I have no idea why kids would binge drink rather than do some of the other fun activities that grace the barren wasteland that is North Dakota like.... um... hmmm... there's ah.... wait, gimme a minute.......

Ok, maybe binge drinking is the only thing to do...so can you blame them?

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