Thursday, December 06, 2007

American Idol Star Arrested: Who Would Have Guessed

For two years I have railed against American Idol on it's crappiness and I made a (not so) bold prediction in my original rant "Why American Idol Sucks":

I'm just waiting for the headlines "Former American Idol Star Arrested..."
And low and behold, wouldn't you know it, a former American Idol finalist was just arrested all liquored and doped up. So of course I needed to instantly come back and record the obligatory "I told you so!" blog entry...

But of course no one needs to go back to July of this year to view my thoughts of Moss and Garnett going to the Patriots and Celtics because they both have proven me this point. And then when you get down to it, is it really that tough to predict the demise of karaoke television stars? But regardless... it will not prevent me from reveling in my predicting prowess.

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