Thursday, December 10, 2009

Albums Of The Decade? You can't be serious...

Just happened to read an AP story on the albums of the decade for the years 2000-09 and yes, I know I am old but after reading this list, I didn't realize how old I really have become...

Not only do I not own any of the 'albums of the decade' I knew maybe 3-4 of the acts and can almost safely say that I couldn't recognize a single song from any of those albums...

Ok, so I freely admit that I am old...but this list also has to be some kind of joke, not? I mean every act/album that made the top 10 is a rap/r & b/hip-hop album ... is rock-n-roll really dead? Ok, maybe rock-n-roll is dead, but the new 'rock-n-roll', called country music, surely has to have at least one album on the list, not? Nope...barely an honorable mention sighting.

After reading the article and realizing that yes I am old, I still have determined that this list is total bullshit written by a person that clearly has a biased towards one type of music ... and I don't care if you want to call it rap, hip hop or r & b, they all fit into one niche of music and apparently the author of this article has such narrow taste wouldn't stray too far from that niche...

I'll keep my eyes open for a more unbiased opinion on the music of this decade....

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