Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Clutch - Playmaker's - 8-6-07

Clutch put on a great show in Fargo this past Monday. My friend that works at the venue was able to snag a show flier and one of their set list from the stage...which are pictured with this post.

Clutch always puts on a good show and I was pleasantly surprised that they played for a good hour and half in Fargo and I even think the show ... as far as quantity of songs - was better than the show we saw in Minneapolis earlier this year...but of course that show was the first show since Neal (the lead singer) had strep throat and they had to cancel a few shows prior to that one. I was glad that they played Red Horse Rainbow and Dragonfly. Also, the Devil And I was a song I really wanted to hear at the Minneapolis show that they didn't perform, but got to here it in Fargo.

I 've also included some of the videos I took with my cell the quality isn't all that good, but may give you some idea of what the 'atmosphere' was like.

Had a bunch of friends from out of town come down to go to the show and we all had a good time. I used much of yesterday to recover...

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