Monday, August 06, 2007

Cheater Ties Aaron, ESPN Lovin' It

One of the biggest cheaters in professional sports will soon have his ultimate prize, the all-time homerun record. I was having a couple of beers with some friends and as we discussed how much we hated Bonds and the fact that ESPN is loving it and MLB doing nothing...then, like a strike of lightning the pieces fell together as to why MLB is doing nothing and why ESPN is loving every second of this...

Following Barry Bonds is like a reality show - a specialty in television programming these days especially for ESPN - people are following this story for 1 of two reasons...either they despise Barry Bonds with every fiber of their being (such as I) or they are cheering for him for whatever reason that may be. The end result is people actually paying attention to MLB. Having people come to the ballpark to either boo or cheer Bonds is better than no one coming at all...which may be the case when the San Francisco Giants come to your ballpark if he wasn't part of the team. Of course you then have ESPN keeping everyone on the planet aware of exactly where Bonds is at all times (ESPN Breaking News: Bonds just took a shit, expected not to play tonight), so of course no one can miss watching Bonds' every at bat.

I only hope that after all the hype dies down that this loser is erased from all the MLB history pages...along with Sosa, McGwire, Palmerio, Canseco, Ivan Rodriguez, etc..

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