Wednesday, May 12, 2010

You Know Who's Lame? Uber-Gamers In RL

Video games in America have successfully integrated themselves as a component to the American society. Now, more than ever, do kids have access to video almost every form...consoles, handheld, pc, plug-and-play type, etc. and as a result a person can begin to get a glimpse at the video game culture that it is breeding.

Let me begin my analysis with what I like to do when I begin to cast judgment upon something and that is display my credentials because the first thing I think whenever reading something, especially a blog post, is how can this guy be saying this? I am first, a video gamer myself. I present exhibit A (Click the Entire game History for fun). This only details some of the activity that was on my one computer for the past 5 years, does not include the same time on the Playstation or Wii machines. In addition to that small sample, I have been a 'gamer' since I was young....I had about 20 of the handheld single player games, original Pong, an Atari 2600, a Commodore 64, SNES and more ... I have been a 'gamer' for over 30 years now and I still play games to this day... I love them. Ok, enough with that now back to the story...

I was out a while ago with some buddies that happen to be bartenders so throughout the evening people would stop by our group to say hi to one of my friends because they are recognized...some of those people would linger around and have a drink with us, others would just move along. So this young married couple happens to swing by and knows one of my buddies, they say hi and are going to hang around for a they introduce themselves to me... the guy's name is unimportant but the girl says "Hi, I'm Crispy. That's my gamer-tag so all my friends just call me that." Right there I wanted to put the entire conversation to a screeching halt and just unload on the idiocy that this young, dumb girl just said to me. You see, by being a gamer, myself, I had quickly dissected that sentence and understood the idiocy of it. So, you're a gamer...obviously because you have a gamer-tag. Ok, fair enough so far and then you say all your friends call you by your gamer-tag ... um are all your friends gamers and you call them their gamer-tag too because you are gaming all the time? Of course... and then finally, who gave you your gamer-tag in the first place? Ah...that's right, you had to enter in reality, you just want everyone to call you by your gamer-tag because that's what all your gamer friends you by the name you chose for yourself.

Well, as much as I profess to be a gamer, I can't think of how LAME it is to go around and ask people to call you by your gamer-tag....Hey what's up pwner666? Have you seen HarryDick23 lately? I best change my gamer-tag or else people will refer to me as SayOw in public...which, incidentally many people think is a sexual reference and are almost upset when I tell them it is in reference to one of my favorite football players.

For the Uber-Gamer, which I am fairly certain this chick is, me seeing her actually outside of the house and not online gaming is probably something her family only dreams of. If I was a betting man, I would have guessed they were just killing time until the midnight sale for the new C.O.D. (Call Of Duty for you non-gamers) so they could rush home and play non-stop for 5 days...then they would only leave to get some more Mountain Dew.

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