Thursday, June 05, 2008

Roids Dealer Found Shot: Named NFL Players

The steroid scandals continue to pile up and to add to the 'conspiracies' a convicted roids dealer that named NFL players he sold steroids too was found shot to death. So the question is, who wanted him dead? I would guess that a NFL player wouldn't be behind the actions namely because if this guy already spoke with the NFL, what has the player got to gain by making sure this guy is dead? It will certainly squelch the guy from any further squealing and refuting any counter-claims...but the public has already accepted the 'guilty until proven innocent' mentality with athletes associated with steroids...because as of right now, any athlete associated with steroids has been found to be guilty even despite their pleas of innocence...which of course is then followed up later with an admission of the pattern has been set. My guess is that there has to be a bigger party involved...and underworld... and the supplier wanted to remain in business and can not have this guy revealing any portion of the roid distribution ring that either existed or continues to exist among professional athletes.

But I think the pieces would come together if the killer(s) are found... if they are found, it's likely they were amateurs...likely hired by someone to 'shut this guy up'...I would then guess that the killer(s) would roll on whomever they got paid from - and that very well could be an athlete. If the killer(s) are not found, it would be likely that they are professionals...likely associated with the underworld and even if caught, they likely wouldn't rat out their superiors for their life in prison would be cake if they keep their mouth shut.

But that is just my wild speculation... we'll have to stay tuned to this story and see if anything comes of it or if it just quietly goes those who are behind the killings likely want to have.

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