Tuesday, October 30, 2007

World Series Over, A-Rod Upstages BoSox?

Thank god the World Series has ended and ESPN can devote more coverage to the Yankees...and just to show you how 'Yankee-oriented' ESPN is, the 'big story' on (and according to) ESPN Monday morning wasn't really that the Red Sox won the World Series but the fact that A-Rod is opting out of his contract with the Yankees, thus upstaging the Red Sox World Series win...even though several players all came out yesterday to announce their free agency but because A-Rod is a Yankee - and I am beginning to think ESPN loves the Yankees but not A-Rod. Give me a freakin' break. If a player can 'upstage' a team's World Series victory, then it's pretty obvious that the World Series victory a team just won wasn't that big of a story. But of course ESPN will use any Yankees news as 'big news' and thus, this is why ESPN has the mentality that A-Rod upstage the Red Sox because it has forced ESPN to spend most of it's sports coverage time devoted to A-Rod and how he is a free agent rather then celebrate Boston's World Series victory.

The only good thing about the World Series ending is that means the MLB season is over and ESPN can begin it's countdown to Yankees spring training and their first regular season meeting with the Red Sox in 2008... I can hardly wait.... (Saying this as I try to keep from vomiting)

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