Tuesday, October 09, 2007

SNL, Seth Rogan

This season's second SNL seemed a bit better than it's premiere...maybe because it didn't have any carry-over sketches and had an actor as the host...but still nothing too hilarious happened this week either.

The show started off with Andy Samberg as K-Fed...as one could have almost guessed. I don't particularly like Samberg overall but do give him credit when he plays a wigger-like character such as K-Fed.

Rogan's monologue wasn't anything special...him reading a monologue he composed when he was 13 because he knew he would one day be hosting SNL...

The 'commercial' this week was about a 3D Ultra-sound which played on the idea where a man needs to view content on state-of-the-art display with high-def, 3d and picture-in-picture. The spot was mildly amusing but I wouldn't say side-splitting funny.

Next up was the 2007 Douchebag Championships which was a sketch that's sole purpose was to highlight Amy Poehler as Sharon Osbourne, Fred Arminson as Gene Simmons and Andy Samberg as the reigning Douchebag champion. Each of the characters was mildly amusing because of the characters each of the actors/actresses played was over the top.

There were several "MacGruber' spots placed throughout the show and I have to admit that I liked the previous MacGruber spots when MacGruber and his team's demise came because they would squabble over an item that MacGruber needed to defuse the detonator...this week, it was MacGruber trying to over-come a mid-life crisis in each episode that prevented the team from reaching safety... not quite as funny, but for being a short, quick to the point sketch, they are mildly entertaining.

Seth Rogan and Kristin Wiig played dorky twins in the next sketch...apparently the 'funny' part of this sketch was Kristin say "I said we!" I thought this sketch was lame and lamer...

Darrell Hammond then had a solo bit playing Fred Thompson. I've kind of grown bored with these type of sketches...the premiere had Amy Poehler as Hillary Clinton and now Fred Thompson...making fun of politicians is easy, but to merely write up a comical monologue that seems to reiterate the same jokes throughout doesn't seem that funny to me anymore.

Weekend Update was next and it was up and down...a cameo by Chevy Chase had him doing a bit on politics and his shtick doesn't seem as witty or good as it was, oh let's say, 30 years ago. Of course he got a tremendous ovation from the crowd but what he did after that ovation surely didn't warrant the thunderous applause. I do enjoy the Really?!? With Seth And Amy portion of the Weekend Update, the interview with Mets manager and GM was lame...

America's First Colonists was the next sketch which basically was a sketch about how a colony in early America vanished because their founder Jack Stone (I do believe) met with the Indians and was introduced to pot...so the whole sketch was about the colony all becoming a bunch of stoners and thus, not having enough food for the winter. Pot-humor can be done better.

Then was maybe the best sketch of the night...maybe not the funniest, but I think the best... Seth Rogan played Rawlf the dog and Andy Samberg played the Swedish Chef, both of Muppet fame. I don't know if I have ever seen a parody of the Muppets done with actors/actresses but this was done real well. They did a song together, complete with Animal on drums (Bill Hader) and the saxophone and hippie chick.

The show wrapped up with sketch about the old-time southerners where Seth Rogan is Mad Joe and Maya Rudolph is a southern bell... the whole sketch was Rogan's character talking about how he cools off his balls... nothing extremely hilarious here...

The musical act was Spoon, who I knew nothing about. They weren't too bad but really didn't do anything that made me want to listen to them more.

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