Tuesday, October 09, 2007

MLB Playoffs: 3 Out Of 4

Something I wanted to do prior to the MLB playoffs starting, but wasn't able to do because of time constraints was to publicly post who I would be pulling for in the MLB playoffs. Anyone that knows me or frequents my blog probably already knows that I would cheer against the big market teams, especially the Red Sox and Yankees. Well, last night was the first step in a all small market team world series when Cleveland eliminated the Yanks. I was happy to see the Cubs and Phillies both lose and now if the Red Sox would lose it would all but guarantee a low-rating World Series because the sports media doesn't care about any teams other than the Yankees or Red Sox. In fact, the headline today wasn't that Cleveland beat the Yankees it was that the Yankees lost. I happened to be listening to the Cleveland-Yankees game on Sunday night for a brief period with Jon Miller on ESPN doing the call ... I didn't realize that a play-by-play announcer could literally not say a team's name for so long... very rarely did you hear the words Cleveland Indians, instead it was Yankees, Yankees and Yankees. When I first got into my car I thought the game was all but over because Miller was saying "And the Yankees look to be in fine shape tonight as they look to be forcing a game 4 here tomorrow." But then followed up with "At the end of 1 it's 0-0." I mean does anything affiliated with ESPN have to mean it is instantly the Yankees Radio network?

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