Monday, January 30, 2006

Super Bowl Thoughts

So Super Bowl XL is almost here. I really don't like or despise either of these teams, so really am indifferent about the game. My first hunch is that this game is going to be a blowout and what little interest I have in this game will quickly be gone.

Since I've moved here (8 years ago) I've attended the same Super Bowl party. It has been at a few different locations, but has always been a well attended and really fun time. But one of my biggest pet peeves about going to a well attended Super Bowl party is the commercials...and really, it is the people who think the commercials are the best part of the game itself. These same people are the ones who will laugh after every commercial if it even attempts at any from of humor. And futhermore, what really drives me nuts, is when these very same people will laugh so loudly at a 'funny' commercial during the Super Bowl, yet the commercial is not a new one and if this person had watched the Conference Championships or any previous other sporting event would have seen this commercial...which just highlights even further how lame these people truly are.

Anyway you cut it, I have Monday off (as I have taken off for many a year now) and regardless of the game, I'm confident I will be having a good time.

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