Thursday, January 12, 2006

Apple Computers Taking America By Storm...NOT

Here's a new subject for my blog... that being my dislike of Apple computers...and really, I should clarify this, it isn't just Apple computers it is also the "Apple-Heads" (as I like to call them) that really drive me nuts. These Apple-Heads are people that think Apple computers and anything Apple makes is the cat's meow and far superior than PC's. Many even think that because they are of the Apple faithful that they then are superior than PC users for some reason. Because it was announced today that Apple has cracked the 4% market share for pc's I feel compelled to go on record now:

Apple computers and most* Apple products SUCK - end of discussion. I am not saying this blindly, I have used many an Apple in my time. They suck in many ways on many levels, but Apple-Heads refuse to believe the truth. The first and most obvious fact about Apple's is that whatever you pay for an Apple (or IMac) is about 2 to 4 times more than you would pay for a comparable PC...yes, 2-4 times. So by selecting an Apple computer, you are first accepting that you've probably paid over 2 times as much for your computer than a good PC. And what is even really silly now is that the top-end PC's are far superior than any of the top Mac's and continue to lead.

We now can move on to the next obvious point about Apple's sucking...where do you get software? And if you actually find a place that has more than 3 titles for your crappy Mac, odds are the PC version has been out longer and, again, probably cheaper. Boy, you Apple-Heads are really showing how superior you are by settling for an overpriced computer that you can barely get software for.

But I think the biggest factor in people becoming Apple-Heads is that they don't want to actually know or learn anything about computers. In my encounters with the few Apple-Heads that I know, only one actually knew anything about their computer other than turning it on. Because us PC users have such a wide array of software and potential problems that arise from using said software, some working knowledge of how a computer works is needed.

I will quickly move away from Apple computers and move to the I-Pod. If you own an I-Pod you are a moron...yes, that is quite a blanket statement, but I will stand by that statement. Again for probably 1/3rd of the price you can purchase a great MP3/Data player that requires no special software and a person can quickly and easily load these pc compatiable devices up with tons of content. It is again the morons of society that think I-Pod's are the cat's meow (how I don't know) but with some quick searching a person can find a better music/movie playback device for a fraction of the cost.

All Apple-Heads/I-Pod owners/users have over myself is the fact that they have spent at least twice as much money on their computer or mp3 player that is most likely crappier than one you could get for 1/2 the price.

And to conclude this piece with some sweet justice for the many discussions I have had with Apple-Heads, it sure is gratifying to know that Apple is switching to Intel chips...the very same ones that are in the PC's...which was the very basis for many Apple-Heads argument as to why their Apples are better - because they weren't intel now what do you got? Just a neat looking case?

* I do know Final Cut Studio is probably one of the top non-linear video editing software which is unfortunately made by Apple only for you got 1 piece of software.

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