Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Wow, what a title huh? Homosexuality.... and what could I possibly have to say about it? Well, I will preface my remarks with this: First and foremost, I don't care if you like to have sex with bunnies, as long as your sexuality isn't pushed on me, I think you should have equal rights and equal treatment. Of course, I do take great exception with pedaphiles and rapists, but that is an entirely different subject. But if you are a gay or lesbian, I typically don't have a problem with you. But here's some of my observations regarding the gay and lesbian community.

Without getting into a debate of whether being gay/lesbian is genetic or not...because I really don't care... it is my observation that most gay/lesbian people are 'young adults', with of course exceptions...but again, my observation is that most are young adults. Take note next time you see and/or hear something about a gay/lesbian group...odds are is that it is being headed up by someone in their late 20's/early 30's but the crowd of supporters is typically made up of college aged (or thereabouts) folks. And because of this I have developed this 'theory' about being gay/lesbian, that is: I think many gay and lesbian people are gay and lesbian because 1) they think it is cool and 2) they are seeking acceptance from someone/anyone and this 'group' is willing to empower any and every person that seeks their acceptance.

Now is my theory 100% dead on regarding the entire community? Absolutely not. My theory is just applicaple to many of the young adults out there that think they are gay/lesbian. I live in a community that has 3 large colleges (relatively speaking) and several smaller tech/trade schools and the gay/lesbian groups are fairly well organized and outspoken in the community and on the college campuses. You travel 300 miles to the west to my hometown with about 25% less people, but more importantly, only 1 junior college and a smaller university (relatively speaking) and you see and hear nothing about gay/lesbian group(s) or activities.

What am I trying to say? Well, first and again, I really don't care if you are gay and/or lesbian, let me make that clear. But I think that many of the young adults that claim to be gay/lesbian are doing it at a time when they just want to 'give it a try'...just like doing drugs in college for the first time so to speak...but as they get older, may find out that it really is just a 'fad' or phase that they are going through...and not that there is anything wrong with that...

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