Friday, April 16, 2010

Roethlisberger Gets Away With Rape

Off-duty cops, acting as Roethlisberger's bodyguards, helped facilitate Roethlisberger raping a girl...

There's obviously a lot more to this story because with the details that was released to the press, how could the DA not press charges? Is it the fact, that first the girl is only 20 years old and 'clubbing' all night with Ben? Or is it the fact that off-duty police officers essentially 'assisted' Ben in the raping by first, leading the girl to a back hallway and then preventing her friends from going to her?

Either way, Ben was drunk, pulling out his dick and then raping some girl he fed shots too all night long... I just don't get it... you could probably find plenty of willing girls to have sex with, yet you got a rise out of the one that told you no...and now are going to essentially get away with it...

I would be willing to bet that Ben wrote a nice check to the girl and/or parents as an apology for his 'poor judgement' and she decided to not testify against him or some other back room deal...

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