Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Mac's Running Windows

Ah, justice is being served.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I've tired of Apple computer users' 'superiority' complex that seems to perpetuate many of their faithful. For years Apple-heads have decreed that the Mac/Apple computer(s) are superior to Windows/PC based systems with no really logic other than they pay more than they would for their Mac than for a comparable PC.

Well today it was announced that despite it's previous claims, Apple is releasing a beta version of 'Boot Camp' which will allow Macs to run Windows XP. Apple's first big move 3 months ago was to start using Intel chips and now they are supporting Windows...

So it will be interesting to see how all the Mac lovers out there tell us PC users how great their computer is...oh but's the same freakin computer now and you're still stupid enough to pay twice as much? I'm sorry, Mac lovers will only prove their ignorance and stupidity if they continue the charade that some how, some way an Apple/Mac computer is now better than a PC... end of discussion!

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