Monday, April 10, 2006

Brett Favre

I'm not really a Favre fan...not really a Packers' fan.

But to recap this whole deal... 2 weeks ago the Packers gave Brett an 'ultimatum' to decide wether or not he was going to retire. The 'deadline' was April 1st and the Packer organization really didn't say what the consequences would be if Brett was still undecided. So then Brett holds a press conference late last week to say that he is still undecided.

This actions make it almost obvious as to what Favre wants to do...he does not want to retire but does not want to play for Green Bay and is essentially 'holding out'. Why hold a press conference to tell everyone that you still haven't made a decision? You could have a press conference every day if he wanted to do that...but it was to clearly send a message to the Packers that he wants to know what the organization's plans are with him before he makes a decision... and it's obvious that all this posturing is so that Favre doesn't look like the bad buy in the whole deal and that Packer fans will always worship him like a god...

The whole thing, imo, seems stupid. I don't think Favre is all that good and with his performance last year, who would want him? I think he should cut his losses while he still can. The last 2 seasons it just seemed like he was chucking the ball and hoping his team would get the ball...

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