Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Yet Another Reason ESPN Sucks

Its not really anything new to anybody but just another example of why ESPN sucks and proof that they only care about the Yankees and Red Sox.

So Jim Thome hit his 600 hr last night...if he had been a Yankee or a Red Sox, ESPN would have live coverage and an endless lovefest with Thome.  But because Thome has always played in small market teams, ESPN folks barely even know who Thome is.  To prove this, this morning as I was driving to work I tuned into a little Mike And Mike show to hear what they were yapping about, because I knew it wouldn't be about Thome...but I was incorrect.  They actually did mention Thome's feat, but the crux of their discussion was how much bigger a story Derek Jeter hitting 3,000 hits was versus Thome's 600 hrs.  Are you f'ing kidding me?  ESPN can't even stop their endless Yankee lovefest for one frickin' morning and talk about Thome's accomplishments in MLB?  Nope, they have to tell you why some Yankee and anything that Yankee does is more important because more people care about the Yankees than any other team... GIVE ME A BREAK!  ESPN SUCKS!


Anonymous said...

Yeah espn sucks. Also even though I really only watch football- you ever notice how they dont cover ANY sports they dont have a vested interest in (i.e if they dont have the broadcasting rights they dont acknowledge the sport) You name it, MMA, UFC, boxing, surfing, NHL, , theres tons of sports- ESPN covers NBA,NFL, MLB, Nascar, and tennis. Thats about it. Oh, and bowling in the summer. The network runs 24 hours a day- yet 12 hours are sportscenter reruns- 3 are cold pizza or whatever, PTI- then maybe a game. ESPN, you suck indeed.

Fox Sports said...

ESPN sucks! Their bias for certain teams is very obvious. Their love affair for the Patriots, Celtics, Yankees, Red Sox, Heat is disgusting. On any given sportscenter they will drag out any highlights of the above mentioned teams when they win. ESPN even has a LeBron points per qtr tracker for the highlights. The Celtics are they same way. The other night the Pacers beat the Celtics in Boston and they kept pushing the highlight back. It took 45 minutes for the highlights to show and they team a clip about 20 secs long 3/4 of it celtics highlights, then you see a Pacer hit a shot and the anchor says,"Oh yeah, the Pacers won." You suck ESPN!