Thursday, July 31, 2008

2008 Olympic Opening Ceremonies Video Leak

The 2008 Olympics will be starting up soon and I am mostly indifferent about the Olympics... I do enjoy watching the 'real' sports - basketball, tennis, water polo, cycling, track and field events, etc... but of course their are the non-athletic competitions that oftentimes get the most coverage (ie: gymnastics and any other sport involving judging) or are just heavily promoted and a person just gets tired of hearing about it...

2 of my most hated parts of the Olympics are the opening and closing ceremonies which are just mega-glorified Super Bowl halftime shows ... and really the reason I probably hate them the most is because each and every Summer Olympics the ceremonies are brought up constantly, whether good or bad, as if that is the defining moment of the entire Olympics....

As luck would have it, a video has been leaked showing what the 2008 opening ceremonies have in store and I can see I won't be missing much this year by not watching them...and no, I have no idea what the people are saying...

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