Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Iron Man: Predictable Plot, Still Decent

I don't critic too many movies on my blog mainly because I usually see many movies after they have had their run in the theater, rentable for some time and quite possibly air(ing) on television...so for me to comment on Spider Man 3 right now really is pointless...but I did see Iron Man.

I had seen the commercial for this movie and the graphics/cgi looked pretty good...whereas you will sometime go to a movie where the cgi is so obtrusive and overwhelming a person can barely hold their disbelief.

Overall the movie is alright...I didn't realise Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man but I think he did a pretty good job. The humor is corny enough for the kids and there was very little 'sexiness' in the film which does make it better for the youngins'.

Ok, if you haven't seen the movie and do plan to see it, you may want to stop reading this review now because I may have inadverntly plot spoil but I do not intend to and if you want to go in 'fresh', stop reading now...

Saying that...is it just me or does every super hero movie now just follow the same cookie-cutter plotline? A wealthy person decides that their wealth and intellect would be put to better use fighting bad guys around the world. Like Dark Knight, Iron Man, is betrayed by someone he trusted and must battle the baddie to right the world. What usually makes these initial Super Hero movies a little better then the usual sequels is the actual process the person takes into becoming the super hero...how they create their identity. Super hero sequels usually have the daunting task of then creating a 'villain' for the movie in a normal world with the exception of the super hero protector...so instead of following the progression towards super hero, you usually get 2 major battle scenes with the first battle scene the super hero gets hurt or nearly destroyed and of course the final battle concluding the film.

But saying that, I stil give the movie high marks for the quality the movie was put together...there really isn't a 'slow' time for the movie and the just over 2 hour run time went by quick and as I started out with, the computer animated portions have been blended well with the live scenes that Iron Man does look very realistic when engaged in battle...

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