Thursday, January 17, 2008

What Global Warming?

It wasn't even 10 days ago when I was loving the global warming because temps in the barren wasteland were almost springlike. Well that was short lived and temperatures have now returned back to what makes this part of the country the barren wasteland...

You wake up in the morning and hear the temperature is 10 degrees and that will be the high for the day as temps drop throughout the day and then it stays frigid for multiple days with high temps not even above 0. I took a snapshot of the upcoming forecast for this area and you'll note at the time of this post it was 3 degrees and it will unlikely get to that temp again until next week... at least it rids this area of the 'riff-raff'... it is even too cold for criminals and scumbags to engage in their nefarious activities, if you are looking for any bright spot to being it frickin' cold.

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