Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Validated: News Media Worthless

Disclaimer: I do not support or openly back the current adminstration, but...

The Vice President's hunting accident has shown how stupid, narrow-minded and basically obsessed with trying to nail Bush and his adminstration with something. If anyone saw highlights from today's daily White House briefing would get to see the crack White House Press Corps exhibit their finely tuned journalistic skills. The primary focus today was why Bush wasn't notified by Dick Cheney himself and within 24 hours of the hunting accident...and they were relentless in their questioning...

All I have to say is GIVE ME A BREAK! If this is the most pressing national story it only furthers proves that the national news corps is only a half-step ahead of tabloid news. And what do they really hope to come from this accident? For Cheney or Bush to resign?

Of course I will recant everything if anyone from the media is able to 'crack' this case and uncover some diabolical plot or nefarious activity...but I'm willing to take that bet...

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