Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Favre Continues To Be A Loser

Could Brett Favre be a bigger loser then he has already shown to the world? Well, the answer of course is YES!

Word is that he may have talked with Matt Millen of the Detroit Lions to give him some specific nuances regarding the Green Bay offense. Of course Favre is denying any wrongdoing. But this just continues a trend of Favre being a totally classless loser.

And let me say this...

I am fairly sure that this stuff happens all the time where an ex-player has a friend with another organization and they of course go out to dinner or whatever and talk about things. The difference with Favre, again as we have seen in the past, is that his 'private' conversations are eventually found out by the media. First it was his cell phone conversations with the Packers president being made public, then his cell phone conversations with Vikings during his trade drama get made public and now his conversations with Matt Millen are made public... is it just me or does anyone see a trend? I don't think there is any other NFL player that has more "private" phone conversations reaching the media than Brett Favre...continuing to add to my theory that Brett Favre is just an attention seeking media whore and he doesn't care if the media is talking good or bad about him, he just continues to want them to only talk about him at all times...

This guy is a total fucking loser and there is nothing he has done or will do to change that fact.

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