Thursday, September 23, 2004

My New Favorites

So I've had some free time lately and have discovered some great tools for web surfing...

First, if you aren't using Firefox as your web browser, you are missing out. It is a lot faster than IE and allegedly more secure. It has 'tabbed' browsing which allows a person to view multiple web pages in one just one of the many features. But what makes it really cool is the customization. What really has peaked my interest was the extensions (addons) I have installed, some of which are really cool...

For all you blog-heads out there is the Sage plugin. A great way to get blog and news feeds....a quick easy way to surf your favorite blogs and news sites.

Next is Stumble Upon...which is a great tool if you are killing time and/or just want to surf the net. It's free to use. Sign up, click your interests and then click the 'Stumble' button to view web sites that fit into your rankings. I've just used the 'Stumble Upon' feature for a little while and am loving it! It's a great way to see sites that you are interested in without having to do any 'searching' for them.

Then for all your 'power users' is the Mouse Gestures extension which allows you to quickly navigate forward, back, open or close web pages with a simple right-click hold and move (or whatever you configure). Makes moving in and around a site quick and efficient.

If you think you are internet savvy, you better at least be aware of these tools...but I am willing to bet that all those that truly are internet savvy are using them now!

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